Tailored International Technology/Business Accelerator Program for global collaboration–customized programs to expedite US entry.


The GEA program is a business localization program for a foreign startup through close 1:1 mentoring program, particularly for a startup that already has entrepreneurship training (like I-Corps) and an advanced technology (with proven proof of concept). The Institute for the Global Entrepreneur will provide the mentoring necessary to tailor the startup's business plan to the US environment in an effort to accelerate that business to market and be investor ready. The accelerator provides introduction to U.S. and Global markets, including leaders in relevant industry domain and venture firms. During this intensive 3 to 12 month program, entrepreneurial teams are assigned a domain-expert business coach and have access to Institute-affiliated faculty. Together the coach and team determine commercialization milestones including in US market and customer discovery; refining value propositions, revenue models and business models to facilitate customer and investment interest; and establishing connections and discussions with relevant contacts within the industry and investment community.


Program Objectives:

  1. Mentor an international startup on the U.S. market and regulatory system in order to tailor the business plan to the U.S. environment.
  2. Accelerate team skills to be able to pitch to U.S. investors and sell to U.S. customers.
  3. Network the company to potential customers, partners, incubators and investors in the San Diego Ecosystem.


Overview of GEA Program:

GEA Program Overview


Current Teams:

Feel the Same




Inventera Pharmaceuticals

JD Bioscience


HnB Genomics

SeoHong Tech

Olives Biotherapeutics

RECENS Medical

SB Solutions




JJ Hwang



Dr. JJ Hwang
Director of Global Partnerships-Korea
Institute for the Global Entrepreneur